Your Voice, the People's Voice.
Re-elect Holly for Lincoln City Council.

A Proven Leader Who Listens!
My commitment, if re-elected to the Lincoln City Council, is to continue to give a voice to the people who make their homes here, are raising their children here, and working here. It's your town and you deserve to be heard. We can keep Lincoln a great place to live by working together. We have made a lot of progress in the last few years.
Let's keep going!

I grew up in Lincoln and I love this town, it's my home! Here's a little bit about me. I hold a California Teaching Credential, have been teaching since 1991, and recently spent 14 years teaching 8th grade U.S. History before leaving the public school system. In 2014, I was honored to be chosen as Placer County Teacher Who Makes a Difference. Recently, I become an adjunct professor at Epic Bible College and Graduate School. I am the President of the KidsFirst (Child Abuse Prevention) board, a member of the Lincoln Rotary Club, the Woman's Club of Lincoln, and am an ordained minister serving at a local church in Lincoln. I recently took a position at Jessup University in the Advancement Department as an Associate Director of Development.
I've been married to Mark Andreatta for 32 years. My husband teaches high school and is also an ordained minister. We have four children, two boys, and two girls. Our oldest son is pursuing a career in the film industry. Our oldest daughter is a police officer in Hazelwood, MO. Our youngest son is a U.S. Navy veteran, who is home and working in the area. And our youngest daughter recently graduated from Sierra College and is living and working in Boise, ID. She plans to finish her degree at Boise State.
My family moved to Lincoln in the early 1970s. My grandfather, Hollis Ramsey, owned a trucking company and hauled products for Gladding McBean and other local companies for several years. We made Lincoln our home and our family grew. One of my best memories is watching them install the first stoplight in the middle of town! Most of my family still lives here...I have a lot of cousins!
When people ask me why I ran for City Council in 2018, my answer is that I have a pure desire to see Lincoln be better than it's ever been. We have overcome many challenges but there is still more work to be done. I will continue to bring a unique perspective to help solve problems. Lincoln needs leaders dedicated to financial solvency, a safe community, adequate resources, and strong families. My goal is to continue to work with citizens, business owners, fellow elected leaders, and city staff to help Lincoln move forward in a positive way!
My commitment is to put the citizens of Lincoln first. I have no ulterior motive in running for City Council other than to give you a voice. I am not a politician, I am a public servant. I commit to listening to your needs and concerns and working with the community to solve problems to make Lincoln better. Like you, I'm tired of candidates making promises just to get elected. I won't make promises I can't keep, but I will listen, take you seriously, and do my very best to make good decisions for our community.